How We Got Here

I started making Soap when my skin started drying out, like many other women my age. Also, I was living on the Outer Banks - with the lovely salty, sea air in the summer and the horrible North Eastern winds in the winter.  Mass produced soap was irritating and made my skin feel 'itchy'. 

I'd heard homemade soap was more moisturizing, so I made a batch just to experiment. What a difference!  I knew after that first batch this was going to become a hobby (or some would say addiction . . . . . .)  It's so much fun to play with the different oils and fragrances.  And with so many soaping techniques to choose from, one batch led to many. . . . .and many led to my husband encouraging me to start selling some (to clear out the spare bedroom!)

As hobbies begin, they also grow . . . . Soap led to making lotions and creams and bath supplies and what I call 'Washware' - Bath products you didn't know you needed until you started using them - 

(And now the spare bedroom is a fully functioning hobby room!)